I Don’t Have Time — U*2401

Sun, 07 Jan 2024
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Frame Set — A place to find inspiration. Fill up with frames from commercials, movies, and music videos. I pretty much find it useful, alternative for direct snap it from video or film.

Don’t think to write, write to think. The main point of this article is that writing is a process of thinking and not just a final product. I found that article from an interesting discussion in Hacker News submission.

Heroicons. Beautiful hand-crafted SVG icons, by the makers of Tailwind CSS. It's clean and modern, and there's 4 type of icon. Outline, solid, mini, and micro.

WordPress Admin redesign/revamp. Ambitious project by WordPress developers to modernize the admin UI, finally after a long time. I have been using WordPress almost a decade and while the Admin UI works, it feels dated compared to other CMS I know like Ghost, Framer, and Webflow. Super excited to see the new WordPress Admin UI come to life, although it will take time given how big this project scope.

“Instead of saying I don’t have time, try saying it’s not a priority

Laura Vanderkam

It's important to think about yourself. Where you want to be, and where you want to go in this new world. Take care of your mind and don't let the noise distract your focus.

Tobias van Schneider